Sri Saibaba of Shirdi is considered to be one of the greatest saints of the modern age. No one knows exactly when he was born and when he came for the first time to Shirdi, his early life is shrouded in mystery. It is believed, however, that he may have arrived at the age of thirty and then stayed for the rest of his life. He lived for a period under a neem tree in the village of Shirdi until he moved into a dilapidated mosque, which remained his abode, His Dwarakamai as He called it, until he passed away in 1918. He is known for the power of His presence, the purity and integrity of His life and above all His ability to fulfill the heartfelt needs, both spiritual and temporal, of those who come to Him with humility and love. He promised all those who sought refuge in Him that he would be active ‘even from his tomb’. He often taught in parables, which were difficult to interpret except for those for whom the teaching was meant. Countless people have benefited by his power and compassion and millions still flock in ever increasing numbers to his tomb to pay their respects, to offer their love and devotion and to plead for the boons that he so freely dispenses.
An outstanding aspect of Sri Saibaba is that He is beyond the demarcations of religion, caste or creed. Some believe Him to be Hindu; others see Him as a Muslim. He embodied all religions yet was free from all strictures. Hindus and Muslims find their confluence in Sri Sai, and people from all walks of life are united by the great love and reverence Baba inspires in them. "I look on all with an equal eye" said Baba, and he would brook no dispute or disharmony among his disparate devotees, but promptly defuse it before it could develop. He made no distinction between class or religion, treating all as a mother would her children, thus earning him the title of Mother Sai
The popular notion is that Baba expressed himself as a Hindu to Hindus and as a Muslim to Muslims. However, in most cases Baba acted vice versa, insisting that the Hindus should accept him as a fakir and the Muslims as a Brahmin! Hindus could claim Baba as their own as he permitted worship according to their rituals, but they could not evade the fact that his dwelling place was a mosque and the name of Allah was ever on his lips.
Baba stated that his mission is to "give blessings", and he proves it in myriad ways: healing the sick, saving lives, protecting the vulnerable, averting accidents, granting offspring, facilitating financial gain, bringing people into harmony with themselves and each other and, above all, in effecting the spiritual evolution and transformation of those who come to him. To his devotees, Baba is nothing less than God. As Sri Babuji, an ardent Sai devotee passionately testifies, "I'm not bothered whether or not God has come in the form of Saibaba – to me, Saibaba is God!"
Baba never missed an opportunity to point out something that would benefit an individual’s evolution, making use of everyday situations to further love and understanding. Sometimes this would come in the form of direct instruction, and at others, devotees were placed in circumstances where they were forced to learn. His "teaching" could sometimes appear contradictory, but perhaps that was because it was tailored to what an individual might need at that particular time.
Above all, however, Sri Sai Baba taught through an experience of love. The limitless love he exhibited to his devotees was reflected in their loving devotion and dependence on him. Baba spoke memorably about the great love between himself and his own guru; it was indescribable, he said, all-compelling, and filled them both with unsurpassable bliss. It is this overwhelming emotion that Baba triggers in his devotees, which then becomes the basis for all his "teaching". Thus, more than anything else, Baba advised people to rely on the sadguru, who, he repeatedly said, would take care of everything.
When a devotee objected to people coming to him for temporal benefits, He rebuked the devotee saying that He was present here today to ensure the well being of all those who sought refuge in Him, be it temporal or spiritual. He further said that "I give my devotees what they want until they want what I want to give". To define exactly about who or what Sai Baba was is an impossible task. But to gain an understanding sufficient enough to enable us to strengthen our bond with him is all we can attempt to do.